1.Feasibility of Peer-led, Professionals Assisted Pulmonary rehabilitation (PLPAPR): Exploratory pilot study, Qualitative Evaluation Protocol. In collaboration with and funded by RUHSA Department, CMC, Vellore. (October 2020 – February 2021)
2.Translation and Transculturation Services for Coping with COVID-19. Funded by Sally Spencer-Thomas, LLC “the Company” (May 2020-December 2020)
3. Understanding community and health care provider’s awareness, risk perceptions, behaviours and barriers around COVID-19: A qualitative study. In collaboration with and funded by CMC Vellore (May 2020 – August 2020)
4.Beliefs and norms around hypertension and ageing in Chennai, India. Samarth sub-contracted to assist in data collection, funded by the Heidelberg University Germany, (July 2019 to December 2019)
5.Evaluation of the six ‘Delivering HOPE- India’ NGO partners programme- Final Evaluation. Supported by Bristol-Meyers Squibb (BMS FOUNDATION BMSF). (November 2014 - December 2018) final evaluation
6. A cross-cultural study of the experience of recovery by people with schizophrenia in Australia and India. Collaborative study with Dr. TN Srinivasan, principal investigator working at the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Service in Hunter Hospital and the Schizophrenia Research Foundation (SCARF) (2017 November – September 2018)
7.Care seeking in Childhood Pneumonia Management: An Exploratory Study. In collaboration with INCLEN Trust and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) (Nov 2015-Mar 2017)
8. Development and Validation of a Questionnaire to Assess Attitudes of Health Care Providers towards Persons with Leprosy. (April 2015- December 2016) Funded by the German Leprosy and TB Relief Association
9. An Intervention to Prevent Suicides among Srilankan Refugees: A Feasibility Study Supported by Sneha India & ADRA India & the VHS (June 2014- December 2015)
10.Assessment and Documentation of Access to and Utilisation of Family Planning Services and Linkages with Prevention of Parent To Child Transmission (PPTCT) and Maternal and Child Health Care Services for Women and Couples Living with HIV in Select Districts in Tamil Nadu. Funded by the UNICEF (December 2013- December2014)
11. Collaborative care for Depression and Diabetes in India – Qualitative Study Component. Collaborative study with Emory University and the University of Washington in the USA and the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation in Chennai, funded by NIMH, USA. Analysis of qualitative data carried out by Samarth ( June 2013- Dec 2013)
12.Amphetamine-type Stimulants in India: A Situation Assessment Study. Funded by the UNODC United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (March 2013 – Aug. 2013)
13.Psychological Distress among Pregnant Women in South India: Towards Intervention Development. Collaborative study with the University of Washington (UW), USA and funded by the Global Centre for Integrated Health of Women, Adolescents and Children (WACh) programme. (June 2012- Aug. 2013)
14. Evaluation of Hep. B Programmes of the NGO partners of Bristol Meyers Foundation. Funded by the Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation (Jan. 2013 – March 2014)
15. Community Care for People with Schizophrenia in India (COPSI). Collaborative project with Sangath, Goa. Funded by Wellcome Trust, London UK: (Jan 2011 – Sept. 2012)
16. Premium Project: A project on Effective mental health interventions in under resourced health systems. Collaborative project with Sangath, Goa. Wellcome Trust, London, UK (Feb. 20111- September 2011)
17. Acceptability Study of Substitution of Brown Rice for White Rice. Collaborative project with Mohan’s Diabetes Foundation International Diabetes Federation through the BRiDGES grant (April 2009- May 2011)
18. Diabetes Community Lifestyle Improvement Programme (D Clip). Collaborative project with Mohan’s Diabetes Foundation funded by the International Diabetes Federation through the BRiDGES grant (June 2010- March 2012)
19. Study on Maternal Nutrition in three states of India: Bihar, Tamilnadu and Uttar Pradesh. Collaborative project with Mohan’s Diabetes Foundation and Emory University funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (October 2010-February 2011)
20. Understanding Informed Consent in the Medical Settings funded by the CMC –Vellore Research Development Fund (February 2010 – December 2010)
21. Pilot study to Asses the Acceptability and Effectiveness Of Central Storage Of Pesticides In Preventing Suicides: A Community controlled trial. Collaborative project with the Voluntary Health Services (VHS) and CMC-Vellore and funded by WHO. (April 2009 – March 2011)
22. Evaluation of the HIV Fellowship Programme at the Government Hospital for Thoracic Medicine (GHTM), Tambaram, Chennai. (2007- 2008)
23. Formation of Community Based Organizations for High Risk Groups- A Needs Assessment Report: funded by the AIDS Prevention and Control Project - APAC (August-September 2008)
24. Testing a Mass Media Campaign on Stigma and Discrimination Faced by HIV+ Persons: funded by the AIDS Prevention and Control Project – APAC (March-April 2008)
25.Effect of Stigma on HIV Care-Seeking Behaviors and Mental Health in Tamil Nadu, India: Collaborative project between Samarth, BRTC-Christian Medical College, Vellore and the University of Washington funded by Puget Sound Partners Grant, USA (October 2007 – September 2008)
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